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Feature Friday - Duffel Bags
Posted on: 19/04/2024, 08:00
Hello Friday!
Once a month we choose a product to shine the spotlight on and tell you why we (and our customers) love it!
This month we are going to look into our Drawstring Duffel Bags.
Let’s cover the basics. This bag measures 40cm wide and 45cm high. It has two drawcords through the top hem that are fastened to the base, which closes the top of the bag, and the drawcords can then be used to carry on your back, or over one shoulder, like what you used to carry your P.E. Kit to school in? You remember right? You would wear it over one shoulder if you were cool ?, and never on two shoulders (social suicide!).

Right now, on our website we currently have available: White, Natural, Black, Red (Due back in stock in June), Mauve*, Denim*, Pink*, and Natural 8oz Canvas.
*These colours have been marked as discontinued and will not be restocked once they sell out.

So why do we (and our customers) like them?
“Much sturdier than similar ‘cheap’ nylon versions” – Sandra
Like our customer Sandra, we love this product for its sturdiness. It’s made from natural cotton fibres, meaning it’s durable and can withstand the rigors of everyday use. Whether you pack it full for a weekend getaway or using it as a gym bag you can rely of its sturdy construction to hold up over time. Cotton is also a breathable fabric, allowing for air circulation, which is particularly beneficial if you do use this bag for storing your gym kit or damp clothes after a swim. In case you didn’t know (but you probably do if you are a customer of ours) cotton is an eco-friendly material. These duffel bags are created with natural fibres that are biodegradable over time. Choosing a Cotton Duffel Bag over a Nylon (plastic) Duffel Bag is a more sustainable choice to reduce your carbon footprint. Have we mentioned that cotton is comfortable? Of course you know this, you sleep in cotton sheets and wear cotton-blended clothes. Do you know what isn’t comfortable though? Nylon. Just saying...
Over the last 4 years we have printed 18,839 duffel bags in our workshop!
Our customers love these bags printed just as much as plain. We have had small businesses purchase these bags printed with their designs to then sell at their own stalls at markets. We also have larger businesses or corporations purchase these types of bags to hand out or sell as promotional merchandise or even issue as part of a new colleague welcome pack.
What can you use these bags for?
Like we mentioned, these bags are perfect for using as a school p.e bag, or even as a gym bag. We have also had customers use these for local brownie groups to carry floor cushions, a4 clipboards and a pencil case.
‘They are going to be activity bags for the children at my daughter's wedding and will hang on their chair. These bags are Perfect for the job.’ - Julie
These bags are perfect to customise yourself, and we don’t just mean us printing your designs for you. You can customise with various pin badges that you’ve collected, iron on some patches, or even embroider some pretty patterns.
Like we said these bags are great for everyday use, and to give away to potential customers. If you’re looking at making a purchase today, here is a reminder of what we have available on our website: White, Natural, Black, Red (Due back in stock in June), Mauve*, Denim*, Pink*, and Natural 8oz Canvas.
*These colours have been marked as discontinued and will not be restocked once they sell out.
If you would like this bag made in a specific colour in large quantities, then head fill out our bespoke form here